

ISU Skating Awards 2024: Vote now for your favorite candidates

11 Dec 2023

#ISUSkatingAwards      #FigureSkating

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The International Skating Union (ISU) is thrilled to present the much-anticipated roster of candidates contending for a prestigious 2024 ISU Skating Awards trophy. The announcement of the winners recipients will take place on February 11, 2024, in Zurich (SUI) during an exclusive live ceremony combined with an extraordinary Art on Ice show. The ISU Skating Awards Selection Commission has identified 70 candidates spanning six distinct categories.

Starting from December 11th 2023, the general public and media can cast their votes for their favorite Skaters, Coach, and Choreographer through the ISU Skating Awards online voting platform. Voting will remain open until January 7, 2024, shaping the selection of the top three nominees in each category.

The ISU Skating Awards 2024 candidates are selected based on criteria that consider results, performances, costumes, and programs spanning the entire calendar year of 2023. This evaluation encompasses significant events such as the ISU Championships (European, Four Continents, and World Championships 2023) and the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series 2023, which includes both individual events and the Final.

The Skaters, Coaches, and Choreographers who made it to the long list are featured across six Award Categories, offering the public and media the opportunity to cast their votes online. Furthermore, the recipients of the "Lifetime Achievement Award" and the "Special Achievement Award" will be decided by the discerning decision of the Selection Commission.

The criteria for each category are the following:

  1. Most Valuable Skater: Honors the Single Skater or Pair or Ice Dance Couple who promoted Figure Skating – due to a successful competition season, creating (social) media attention and engagement in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted).

  1. Best Costume: Honors the Single Skater or Pair or Ice Dance Couple presenting a costume for the first time in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted) reflecting creativity, fashion, style and originality.

  1. Most Entertaining Program: Honors the Single Skater or Pair or Ice Dance Couple for the music selection, expression, creativity, contemporary implementation, originality and overall performance presented for the first time in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted).

  1. Best Newcomer: Honors a young talented Single Skater or Pair or Ice Dance Couple competing very successfully for the first time in ISU Events on the Senior level in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted).

  1. Best Choreographer: Honors the choreographic work of a Choreographer who successfully inspired one or several Single Skaters and/or Pairs and/or ice Dance Couples. Program must have been performed for the first time in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted).

  1. Best Coach: Honors a Coach who delivered professional and efficient work and achieved outstanding results in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted) with one or several Single Skaters and/or Pairs and/or ice Dance Couples.

  1. Lifetime Achievement Award: Honors a Figure Skating legend having achieved great success and popularity and is considered as a role model for the Figure Skating World.

  1. Special Achievement Award: Honors a Single Skater or Pair or Ice Dance Couple who makes history by successfully performing a new / special / unique element or move or achieves something extraordinary at an ISU Event in 2023 (Grand Prix Series 2022 accepted) and pushes the boundaries of the sport.

The online voting rules for the public and media are described below:

  • Public

  • Fans can cast one vote per user in each of the following categories: Most Valuable Skater, Best Costume, Most Entertaining Program, Best Newcomer, Best Coach, Best Choreographer.

  • Media

  • Media must register via the “Media Registration” section. All media registration requests will be vetted by the ISU Media Team which can take up to 48 hours.

  • Media will have the possibility to submit one vote in each of the following categories: Most Valuable Skater, Best Costume, Most Entertaining Program, Best Newcomer, Best Coach, Best Choreographer.

Once the voting closes on January 7th 2024, the ISU Skating Awards Selection Commission will take into account the online voting results of the two voting groups (Public / Media) with the following weight: Public 2/3 and Media 1/3.

Only votes submitted via the ISU online voting platform will count. For further information on the voting procedure, please visit

After the voting concludes and the nominees are unveiled, a panel of distinguished Juries featuring six former Figure Skating Champions will deliberate and cast their votes to determine the winners. The grand reveal and presentation of the Awards will take place on February 11, 2024

This upcoming edition holds special significance in multiple ways. Not only is it the second time the Awards ceremony will unfold live, but it will also be seamlessly integrated with the renowned Art on Ice show, promising an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Additional details about this exciting collaboration can be found here.



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