Solo Ice Dance
Solo Ice Dance

Solo Ice Dance is a parallel discipline to Ice Dance. Skaters perform the same Pattern Dances, Rhythm Dance and Free Dance segments. Ice Dance and Solo Ice Dance both draw from the fundamentals of ballroom dance and emphasize the techniques of edge work, flow and motion where Skaters must always skate to a defined beat, rhythm or theme. Solo Ice Dance has required elements that competitors must perform, creating well-balanced Ice Dance programs (Rhythm Dance, Free Dance); these programs include a dance spin, a step sequence, a twizzle sequence, a pattern dance element, edge elements, and choreographic elements. Edge elements, which replace lifts in partnered Ice Dance, consist of movements like spread eagles, bauers, hydroblades, and spirals to highlight edge control, flexibility and musicality. Solo Ice Dance follows the same elements and requirements for levels that are published annually by the ISU for Ice Dance. Each year new Rhythms and Pattern Dances are chosen to keep the sport current, fresh and entertaining.
Solo Dance is an opportunity for Skaters to develop Ice Dance skills without a partner, allowing for the sport of Figure Skating to grow. Solo Ice Dance demonstrates artistry, expression and musicality. Solo Ice Dance will also serve as a developmental tool for the discipline of Ice Dance and is an educational tool to assist our sport's developing nations in growing their athletes. Solo Ice Dance will allow Skaters to “learn how to skate to music” which is essential in Figure Skating across all disciplines.
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